Since 1990, the Oregon Metals Initiative (OMI) has supported Oregon’s metals manufacturing industry by leveraging state dollars and Oregon’s public research universities to partner with leading metals companies to conduct beginning-stage Technology Readiness Level research.

OMI has developed into a dynamic public/private partnership that allows private industry partners to conduct metals research using academic guidance, equipment and faculty expertise from Oregon State University, Portland State University, and others. Over the years, the need for funding research has continued to grow.


PAC has developed and implemented an ongoing strategic plan that involves lobbying and influencer relationship engagement at the state level to support continued metals-related research to help keep local companies competitive.


Since inception, PAC has worked to increase OMI’s funding from nothing but a great idea all the way up to where we are today – $1.7 million. PAC has also secured additional funding, $1.3 million, for the purchase of new metals research equipment and faculty to focus on applied metals research.
